Press release - click here.
A celebration of the 100th birthday of Morris Graves will be held in the Tashiro Kaplan Building from August 5th (first Thursday) through August 28th, 2010.
Pick up for the art is this weekend. PLEASE BRING YOUR ARTWORK RECEIPT and/or PHOTO ID in case the people working the galleries do not personally know you (if you are picking up for another artist, please bring their artwork receipt!):
• Sunday, August 29, between 12 noon and 5pm.
• For artists who secured a membership and are attending the séance on Saturday night, PLEASE take your artwork with you after the séance.
• We have added a pick up time on Saturday, August 28 from 5pm to 9pm for those of you who cannot make it Sunday. Pieces could be picked up earlier Saturday HOWEVER we do not recommend this as we are expecting to get some additional media coverage of the show and are hoping for another big turn out on Saturday during gallery hours. The show officially goes until 5pm Saturday.
Artwork WILL BE MOVED elsewhere after 5pm Sunday to make room for the September Rock|DeMent and TK Building shows. Also, please remember per the artist agreement, after 30 days of show closure, any and all remaining artwork will be considered donated and become property of curator(s).
Thank you once again for your participation.
Rock|DeMent Visual Art Space, Corridor Gallery and Angle Gallery will all be displaying the work made for this show. Regional artists and, any others interested, are invited to "channel" Morris Graves by creating a good copy, an homage or a send up of anything in the Graves oeuvre that inspires them. There are no entry fees, no judges, no commission on sales. This is a celebration, not a competition. All welcome!
This exhibition will be capped with a Members Only Séance, Saturday, August 28, 9:00 PM to be held in the Tashiro Kaplan Building's Vandenbrin
k Community Room on Morris Graves' birthday. This event is limited to 93 seats. Reservations will be $13 per person - DETAILS HERE.
Media Release
Contact: Charles Krafft
Phone: 206.860.5193
July 15, 2010 – Seattle, WA. The Mystic Sons of Morris Graves, a chivalric order dedicated to furbelows and folderol, is commemorating the centenary of Graves’ birth with an invitational art exhibition and séance in August at the Tashiro Kaplan artists cooperative in Seattle’s Pioneer Square.
The art exhibition will feature dozens of homages to Northwest master painter Morris Graves by accomplished members and friends of Seattle Lodge No. 93. The show features work in all media from established and emerging artists including Chris Crites, Charles Krafft, Stephen Rock, Tony Bennet, Ries Niemi, George Condo, Kelly Lyles, Peter Santino, Matthew Barney, Stan Lee, David C, Kane, Susan Rothenberg, Eric Nelson, Mya Lin, Don Ed Hardy, John Ohanessian, Grace Slick, Matthew Kangas, Charlie Manson, Larry Reid, and countless others. Also included in the exhibition will be seldom-seen artworks and artifacts created by Morris Graves specifically for the Seattle Lodge.
The Morris Graves Centenary exhibition opens with a festive reception on First Thursday, August 5 from 5:00 to 8:00 PM at 3 galleries in the Tashiro Kaplan compound: Rock/DeMent, the Corridor, and Angle Galleries at 306 S. Washington St. Following the reception, the exhibition will remain open for public viewing on Saturdays from noon to 5:00 PM through August 28 (or by appointment).
On Saturday, August 28 at 9:00 PM – Morris Graves’ 100th birthday – members of the Lodge will conduct a séance in the Vanderbrink Community Room of the Tashiro Kaplan Bldg. Presided over by master medium Kirk Charles with a special Theremin performance by Ajar West.
For access to the “Members Only” séance 93 new memberships will be available for $13 each at the exhibition’s opening night at Rock|DeMent Visual Art Space and after Thursday, August 5 through Nancy, a boutique at 1930 2nd Avenue, Wednesday – Saturday 11:00 to 6:00 PM.

Morris Graves Centenary Invitational Art Exhibition & Séance
Rock/DeMent, the Corridor, and Angle Galleries, 306.S. Washington St., Seattle
Opening reception First Thursday, August 5 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM
Exhibition continues through August 28, 2010